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off to a bad start中文是什么意思

用"off to a bad start"造句"off to a bad start"怎么读"off to a bad start" in a sentence


  • 不好的开端246


  • The summer got off to a bad start for the european union
  • But you ' re off to a bad start , you know
  • Simmons : hey kid . i think we get off to a bad start , huh ? you must be hungry
  • Daniel and mara are quarrelling again ; it looks as if their marriage is off to a bad start
  • Jim and mary are quarrelling already , it looks as if their marriage gets off to a bad start
    例2 :如果击姆和玛丽已经在吵架了的话,这样看来他们的婚姻一开始就不顺利。
  • Besides , congress got off to a bad start when members shot themselves in the wallets during the payraise fiasco that led to no more money but lots of had feelings
用"off to a bad start"造句  
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